
Update: Lolmegle's back! We've had a busy busy month, but we're back on track with an inbox overflowing with lolmegles. We thank you for your hilarious submissions, there's some great original skits coming through and we're proud to share them with you.

Expect more hilarity this month, and remember if you haven't already...

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Note to self - Strangers do not like mudkipz.

You: do you like mudkipz?
Stranger: whole world please listen to a pity suffering person. the manifesto to those without human nature! i am not a rabbit!!! i am not a rabbit!!!i am not a rabbit!!!i am not a rabbit!!!i am not a rabbit!!!i am not a rabbit!!!i am not a rabbit!!!i am not a rabbit!!! tortures are nothing!!! you make others feel pain is your own hurts!!! finally you will know that, but it is already too late ... mercy leaves you ... you! you are the real shame to our society!!! this is a curse message. i will curse to the time when the hurt is not exist or my death!!! i hate them!!! hate!!!!!! hate!!!!!!!! i can still speak and will pray to my god about those tortures and crime behavior!!!
You: ...sooo i'm guessing you don't like mudkipz.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you might also like Note to self - Gaming legends just aren't appreciated on lolmegle and Note to self - Omegler's momma's...no go.

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