
Update: Lolmegle's back! We've had a busy busy month, but we're back on track with an inbox overflowing with lolmegles. We thank you for your hilarious submissions, there's some great original skits coming through and we're proud to share them with you.

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

You can talk all you like, but at the end of the day it's all about thug aim.

Emailed in by one of our readers, the surreal David Suursoo.
Stranger: can i shove you in my dick and fuck a girl with you inside my dick and cum you into said girl?
You: i don't know your name, stranger, but i like you already
Stranger: =D
You: now, while you're doing this, can i have you shoved into MY dick, so that when you cum me into her i'm cumming you into her?
Stranger: YES PLEASE
You: this is a good plan brother.
Stranger: can it be purple goo?
You: infinitely, we shall be crammed into each other, and cum each other into things.
You: unto the tiniest bits of creation.
You: a cannonball of infinite purple cum.
Stranger: this is quite the paradox
Stranger: I love you
You: yea, for unto this we shall eventually behold the face of god.
You: and then cum upon it
You: woah, woah woah!
You: who said anything about love?
Stranger: WHAT IS LOVE!?!
You: wow, you're getting kind of clingy, yes?
Stranger: baby dont hurt me...
You: no more
You: what is love?
You: baby?
Stranger: baby dont hurt me!
You: don't hurt me...
Stranger: cum cannon ball
Stranger: draw me a picture of it
Stranger: its my fetish
You: it'll look like this
You: .................................................. ............,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
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.................................................. ..................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
.................................................. .......................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ --NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!
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Stranger: =D
You: you just got rick rolled.
Stranger: There was was a man whom was old
Stranger: who drank beer whenever it got cold
Stranger: he picked up his cup, said never gonna give you up!
Stranger: Oh damn, you just got limerickrolled
You: *golfclap*
Stranger: thank you
You: very smooth. excellent form.
Stranger: should we shove eachother in our urethras now?
Stranger: im getting ancy
You: like two ships, passing in the night, spewing purple cum cannonballs at each other, i fear we shall never meet again, stranger.
You: however, your memory, and our shared infinite purple jizz, shall live on, inside my dick.
Stranger: i feel the same
You: tis a sad sad day.
Stranger: i shed tears
You: but then, i say to myself, 'thug aim'.
Stranger: i weep for the fact that my dick remains unstuffed
Stranger: thug aim...
You: fear not, my friend. for i am there.
Stranger: thu game...
Stranger: THE GAME
Stranger: FUCK YOU!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like Have you found Jesus?A Wild Omegle Appears!and Double-own.

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