
Update: Lolmegle's back! We've had a busy busy month, but we're back on track with an inbox overflowing with lolmegles. We thank you for your hilarious submissions, there's some great original skits coming through and we're proud to share them with you.

Expect more hilarity this month, and remember if you haven't already...

Follow us on twitter here (the registering process takes a grand total of 15 seconds). We've reached our target and are working hard at the new site, our fanbase is growing and we really less than three you guys to death...bloody, bloody death.

Email all your funny omegle conversations tosubmit@lolmegle.com*.

Note: All e-mailed conversations have to be saved in an html format or we cannot post them!

For all other feedback/mail, send us an email at

If you have any complaints about any of this sites content, please submit your complaint here.

(Scroll down further for the lolmegle archive!)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Inspired by a bunch of convos e-mailed to us by ricky clarke.
You: lets do it
Stranger: heyy
You: asl?
Stranger: 18 f us
Stranger: you?
You: 19/m/sydney
You: cyber? (really horny)
Stranger: like talk it out?
Stranger: like talk it out?
You: yea
Stranger: ?
Stranger: k
Stranger: you start
You: okayyy
You: what are you wearing?
Stranger: nothing :p
Stranger: you?
Stranger: ?
You: mmmmm
You: im wearing some lightweight robes
Stranger: nicee
You: with a rope belt ;)
You: and straw sandles..their easy on the feet
Stranger: :)
You: shall i place you on the counter?
Stranger: please
You: shall i caress you ever so gently
Stranger: caress?
You: squeeze? :)
Stranger: boobs?
You: uh huh
Stranger: yesss
You: hard
Stranger: dont hurt them
You: should i put on some music to sexify the mood?
Stranger: please
Stranger: then what are you going to do?
You: im putting the cd in reaalllly sexily
Stranger: good
You: are you ready to have your world rocked? ;)
Stranger: yes
You: how much do you want it?
You: are you screaming for it?
Stranger: yessss
Stranger: i want ALOT
You: then...let it play
You: .................................................. ............,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
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Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Intolerance Pt. 6

You: F
You: A
You: G
You: G
You: O
You: T
Stranger: ass hole

You: that's my name :(
Stranger: fucker
You have disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch, you may also like Intolerance Pt. 5Intolerance Pt.2Intolerance Pt.3Intolerance Pt.4Gay for Jesus- Jesusography, and Sexism on omegle.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Dirty talk - it's in the name baby...you don't even want to know about potty mouth.

Emailed in by one of our readers, Will Bronto.
You: Hi
You: How are you?
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: plsss talk dirty to mee
You: ...
You: MUD
Stranger: plss
Stranger: noo
Stranger: im hornnyy
Stranger: pleaase
You: ...you DON'T get aroused by dirt, mud, and feces?
Stranger: ugh
Stranger: noo
You: ...freak.
Stranger: pleasse speakk dirtty to mee
You: grime
You: impurity
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like funChat #1,Shocker #1Shocker #2Shocker #3, or Shocker #4.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's not easy to take news like this lightly.

Emailed in by one of our readers, Nir G.
You: you haz aidz
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Note to self - Most problems can be solved through ingestion.

Emailed in by one of our readers, Nigrabiscuits.
Stranger: hi there - girl 16 here looking for another GIRL for cam fun - NO guys pretending to be girls, NO pic swap and NO cyber - and please don't reply unless you have a cam!
Stranger: drink it
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like Detective DipshitDesperationThe Racistinator...The JewGod damn North Koreans and What does that spell?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Note to self - Chances of running into a total faggot twice are extremely high on omegle.

Emailed in by one of our readers, Tits Magee.
Stranger: YO
Stranger: What's "poppin"?
You: Those damn caps
You: They'll get you
Stranger: Yup
Stranger: Dammit
Stranger: Have I met you?
Stranger: M/F?
You: You have
Stranger: HAHAHAHA
Stranger: 4122 users online and I run into the same person twice?
You: Yes
You: I realised it was you because no other faggot on the internet says "YO"
You have disconnected.

Knock fail - A submission that brough a smile to this editors face.

Emailed in by one of our readers, CKL.
Stranger: knock knock
You: Who's there? Someone who read too much lolmegle and wants to disconnect
You: ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Knock Knock #4

You: knock knock
Stranger: whos there?
You: failure :(
Stranger: failure who/
You: failure you.
You have disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like Knock Knock #1, Knock Knock #2.

Note to self - This conversation is finished.

Emailed in by one of our readers, DJ.
Stranger: AASI
You: aasl? you like programming?
Stranger: i say aasi becauce...
Stranger: i'm tryin' to know that is my friend whos with i'm talkin' :)
Stranger: means
Stranger: aasi is a finnish word
Stranger: like
Stranger: a hors
Stranger: e
Stranger: or somethinn
Stranger: like tha
You: i dont think thats a finished words tho
Stranger: FINNISH
You: do you mean something like ass
Stranger: NO
Stranger: FINLAND
You: im sure most language are finished though good sir
You: a -finished- land???
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you might also like another Note to self and Note to self - Omegler's mommas...no go.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cyber role play - gay people just don't understand.

Emailed in by one of our readers, Will Bronto.
You: Hi
Stranger: m/f?
You: M
You: You?
Stranger: F
Stranger: wanna roleplay?
Stranger: it is not as lame as it sounds
You: Alright?
Stranger: do you want to pick the roles
You: Not really
Stranger: ok i will
Stranger: i'm the student
Stranger: you are the teacher
Stranger: you start
You: Hold on
You: I have another idea
You: How about you be the girl
You: who is suggesting role playing
You: and I'm the gay guy staring blankly at the computer screen
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Absorbent and yellow and deadish are they.

Stranger: helllo:D
You: ...no.
You: your parents.
You: I axe murdered them before chopping them up into little pieces and shoving them into a pineapple skin before proceeding to deadweight drop it into the pacific.
You: so yea...there's that story, whachoo upto delicate?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like Tame RejectionDesperationThe Racistinator...The JewGod damn North Koreans and What does that spell?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hey everybody!

Seeing that LOLmegle has been up for a couple of months now, we (two college students from Australia who predominately waste their time on the internet) decided that we'd finally share some news about where this site is going and what this site is actually about.

After spending weeks throwing away our time on Omegle, annoying countless pedophiles from all over the world, we made the decision to start LOLmegle, a one-stop shop for funny Omegle convos that people have either deliberately or innocently had.

Our initial mindset was "Hey, if we get a few hundred views, that would be pretty sweet." But we had no idea that we would be getting loads of submissions/views/etc, and that you guys would be so enthusiastic about this site.

So, we've decided to design a proper, simple website with a proper submission/contact page, and a way for you guys to "like" convos and view the "most liked" convos as well. It's just a starting point to see where this site can really go. Eventually, depending on the kind of submissions we get, we'll probably add a "dislike" or a "this is shit" button to convos as well.

It's just an update so you guys have a heads up, and so you know that we do listen to your requests/emails. Depending on other commitments, we'll hopefully have the new site up and running soon. In the mean time, follow us on twitter here. Thanks for all your submissions, keep it up  and happy LOLmegling!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Shocker! Pt. 5

Emailed in by the ever so charming, Tits Magee.
You: Hey
You: Wanna rp?
Stranger: sure
You: Okay
You: You're a guy right?
Stranger: yes
You: Okay good, I'm a girl
Stranger: cool
You: Okay
You: I'm your neighbor
Stranger: okay
You: And I've come over your house
Stranger: why are you coming over?
You: Answer the door and find out
You: *ring ring*
Stranger: hey there!
Stranger: how's it going/
You: Good
You: Uh
You: I just came over
You: I need to borrow a baking pan
Stranger: a baking pan?
You: Do you have one?
Stranger: i think i have one
Stranger: come on in
You: Okay cool
Stranger: i'll check in the kitchen
You: *I folloow you there*
Stranger: what do you need it for?
You: I'm baking a cake
Stranger: delicious
You: Yeah
You: I started making it and I realised I didn't have a baking pan
You: But yeah, can you find one?
Stranger: well i think i can
Stranger: let me just look in this cabinet
You: Okay
Stranger: i don't have one, sorry!
Stranger: i thought i did
You: Are you sure?
Stranger: i feel really bad
You: What about this cabinet
Stranger: all i have is this baking sheet for chips
Stranger: i am sure it won't work...
You: Well you have to try and find one
You: I really need it
Stranger: well, just give this a try
Stranger: its really strong
Stranger: i'll slap your ass with it to show you
You: Are you fucking kidding me?
You: It's a fucking baking sheet
You: What the fuck am I supposed to do with this
You: Also, I don't appreciate the demeaning shit you're saying
You: You need to be taught a lesson
Stranger: okay
Stranger: so teach me
You: *I grab the sheet off you and push you to the ground*
Stranger: ow!
You: *You smile hungrily at me, at which point I whack you hard across the face*
You: *Now you are looking at me more fearfully*
You: Don't
You: Fucking
You: Mess
You: With me
Stranger: yes sir
You: *I hit your face again, this time drawing blood*
You: *A maniacal smile streches my face*
Stranger: ouch
You: *I begin to repeatedly bash you across the face until you are drenched in blood, all the while screaming "IT'S A PEICE OF CAKE TO BAKE A PRETTY CAKE, IF THE WAY IS HAZY"
Stranger: wow thats hardcore
You: *Once I am finished beating you, I whip out my 10 inch cock and ram it into your swollen, blood soaked mouth, choking you to death with my cum*
You: Fuckin cocksmoker
Stranger: ohhh yes
You have disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like funChat #1,Shocker #1Shocker #2Shocker #3, or Shocker #4.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Wonders of Lies and Roleplay

Emailed in by one of our readers, Tits Magee (his suggestion not mine)
Stranger: cyber sex?
You: Only if its gay
Stranger: k
Stranger: m/f?
You: M
Stranger: good same
Stranger: role play?
You: Sure
Stranger: your the firemen
Stranger: who just rescued me and is horny
Stranger: you start
You: Better yet, I'm jailbait
You: And you're my neighbor
Stranger: k
You: You start
Stranger: helllo neighbour
You: Hello
Stranger: say my wife is out of town
Stranger: wanna come in for a drink>?
You: Sure
Stranger: *1 hour later*
Stranger: FUCK ME HARD
Stranger: how about we do romantic sex?
You: Oh okay
Stranger: im glad uu came to dinner
Stranger: u suck at this; im really a girl btw
Stranger: so this is hard
You: Akward
Stranger: yee bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like Cybermon...I choost you!The Racistinator...The JewGod damn North Koreans and What does that spell?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Note to self - No means no...unless it means yes.

You: cyber?
Stranger: no
You: cybertron?
You: ...you're completely stumped now aren't you?
Stranger: no
You: you totally want a throbbing black cock to lovingly insert itself into your tight anus don't you?
Stranger: no
You: you're going to keep saying no to everything I say aren't you.
Stranger: yes
You: well that wasn't a no right there was it fagmunch?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Note to self - When attempting to appear mystical and original with your questions on omegle...make sure your question doesn't suck. Also celebrate your homosexuality.

Emailed in by one of our readers, ES.
You: im gay
Stranger: You have 5 questions, i will answer them honestly.
You: what is your social security number?
Stranger: -.-*
Stranger: You´re really smart, huh?
You: Ok, what is your credit card number?
Stranger: -.-*
You: You can't keep a promise.
Stranger: Your too smart :(
Stranger: No :(
Stranger: But your gay!
Stranger: LOL!
You: YEAH!
You have disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you might also likeNote to self - Strangers do not like mudkipz and Note to self - Omegler's mommas...no go.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Detective Dipshit - Volume 1

Emailed in by one of our readers, Swat Swat.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asp
You: ?
You: asp?
You: you like snakes?
Stranger: yes i do
Stranger: asp means age sex place
You: no one says that
Stranger: so?
You: they say asl
You: age sex location
Stranger: ok asl?
You: well, that would ruin the mystery
Stranger: you like mystry
You: I will give you a hint: I am a great detective and my bumbling partner's name is watson.
Stranger: you fuck each other
You: I was written about by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
You: I have solved many mysteries.
Stranger: is that your gay parter to
You: My arch-nemesis is professor James Moriarty
Stranger: are you a retardo
You: I use deductive reasoning to see what others cannot.
You: My name...
You: if you have no reasoned it out yet
Stranger: physco i guess
You: is Sherlock Holmes
You: would you like to know what I have learned about you from this conversation?
Stranger: yes please
Stranger: i am waiting
You: You are a male, in your late adolesence to early adulthood. You do not have a romantic partner, nor have you in the past. You are not a native english speaker. You often feel inferior to successful people you meet or see. To mask your feelings of inferiority you degrade other races verbally, however have not ever confronted one in real life.
You: You often act impulsively.
Stranger: i am impressed
Stranger: you a doctor or something
You: I am a detective.
You have disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like Tame Rejection, DesperationThe Racistinator...The JewGod damn North Koreans and What does that spell?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Weekend Poll #2
Would you prefer an easy to use, user uploaded section to accompany the Lolmegle sketches/Picks?



My dick. (Hell yes)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fuck you kid, you're a faggot.

Emailed in by one of our readers, RZ.
Stranger: helllo
You: i was going to call you a faggot
You: but i decided no
You: i'll be the bigger man
Stranger: cheers
You: wtf?
You: cheers
Stranger: aye
You: who says cheers and aye?
Stranger: me
You: you faggot
You have disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like She'sAFishButNotReallyThe Racistinator...The JewGod damn North Koreans, What does that spell? and check out our Weekly Poll!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The good the bad and mostly the gullible - My struggle on omegle.

Stranger: How can I help you?
You: ummm
You: you can't?
You: not for my problems anyway...
You: how are you?
Stranger: so you have problems?
Stranger: Im ok
You: i have a problem which could manifest into many problems
Stranger: sounds complex
You: mmhmmm
You: where are you from?
Stranger: why not share with a random stranger?
Stranger: Im in Toronto
You: well I don't know
You: would you judge me?
Stranger: I cant judge someone I dont know
You: if i tell you, i genuinely need some help, not idiocy
You: you can judge deeds on their merits though
Stranger: Obviously
Stranger: I all ears..or eyes
Stranger: Im lol
You: alright i'll tell you stuff in short bursts, if you don't like where this is going just tell me to stop
You: it's easier than telling me to fuck off :P
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: I wont do that
You: alright
You: i've commited a crime
Stranger: alright
You: go on?
Stranger: sure
You: it's the kind of crime that could put me behind bars
Stranger: most crimes are like that
You: no....for a very long time
Stranger: ok
You: leave it at that?
Stranger: up to you
Stranger: my advice is pending knowing what the general issue is
You: alright
You: I've ended a life
You: indirectly
Stranger: thats pretty serious
You: yes, yes it is
You: but it's before i changed
Stranger: but indirectly
You: i was different when i commited those crimes
You: i swear, i'm not the same anymore
Stranger: hmm...so you have changed your ways as a result of what happened?
You: well i had to change my ways originally because i was being pursued, but yes eventually i changed my mind
Stranger: pursued by authorities?
You: yes, many
Stranger: you said you are indirectly responsible though
You: yes....but i lied a little when i said it was a life
You: change that into plural
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: plural? how many are we talking about here??
You: about 6...
You: ...you have to understand I was different back then, mein authority was immense
Stranger: so then the individuals directly involved is the guilty party
You: what if it was under mein order that these millions have died?
Stranger: millions? that's a bit of an exaggeration, 6 is a lot but not a catastrophe.
Stranger: can it be proven?
You: yes 6....6 million, I lied again, and it has been proven, I've had to move countries
You: and spread a rumour that I'm dead
You: but you must understand, i have changed, it's been...my struggle.
Stranger: I'm not understanding, 6 million? 
You: there are some groups who have figured out i am not dead
You: and they're keeping the flame alive
Stranger: has the party that commited the crime been brought to justice?
You: yes, yes they have
You: they are....no more.
You: but still they keep it alive
Stranger: you are in a very tough spot then
You: http://www.salisburypost.com/august/083099f.htm

they are writing articles about my unproven death, i am worried
You: in my defence...the jews started it, they made fun of mein drawings.
Stranger: you are Hitler?!
You: I'm going to rape you in the mouth.
You: mein kampf will become YOUR KAMPF
Stranger: fuck you, fucking shithead
You: you have a purty mouth, can i wear it?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

If you liked this lolmegle sketch you may also like funChat #1,funChat #2The culturally unaware Omegler Pt.2, and The culturally unaware Omegler Pt.1.